Thursday, May 2, 2013

Sensations felt during the Healing Miracle Prayer and other Meditations

Question:  During and sometimes after the miracle healing prayer I feel a gentle breeze like sensation on my face and body.  I have checked the windows and the doors and I do not have fans or air conditioning.

Answer:  This is a sign that you are on track.  I call these “God’s kisses”.  The cool breeze--like sensation that you are experiencing is energy.  It is a way for you to know that something is actually happening.  This energy has a soothing effect on the mind and body and sometimes it heralds the initiation of a healing process in your body.  If you are suffering from an illness you will find that the breeze will be more intense in that region of the body.

This manifestation is very subtle in most cases, so, unless you are paying attention and focusing on the process of the Miracle Healing Prayer you are likely to miss it.

In extreme cases, where people are experiencing severe emotional challenges, or are in need of more energy and support the breeze can be quite strong.

For example, a few years ago I was working on a free meditation during my spare time.  Commercial recording studios are expensive, and not necessarily the most conducive places for recording meditations and chants—the vibrations of these places can be rather dense sometimes.

The recording technician I was working with was chain smoking and drinking during the recording and this was proving a real challenge.

After a few fail attempts I felt a very strong breeze around my head. I felt the coolness of the air moving.  Compare it to a gentle summer breeze at the beach; tis despite the fact that I was in recording cubicle with no air conditioning and no sound whatsoever.  Immediately after that I was able to complete the recording without any further problems.  It turned out to be one of the best recordings I have ever made.

If you fell this sensation during your Miracle Healing Prayer Session acknowledge it, say “thank you.  I love you” and move on.  Do not make too much fuss about it.  It is not a “mystical” experience; it is a form of communication from Higher Intelligence.  If you turn it into a mystical or religious experience it will fade and it is unlikely to return.

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