"I am a good person, I care about people and animals, I go to Church, I give to charity as much as I can. I have not harmed anyone in my life. Why is it that all these bad things are happening to me? Why can't I sleep at night? Why do I have recurring nightmares? Why do I feel abandoned by God?
The following note contains the main points that I have been including in my answers.
One of the reasons for loss of peace of mind.
You are not the only person experiencing these
At the moment the entire planet is
experiencing an unprecedented level of dark energy. The aim of this energy is
to cause a separation between people, the Creator, and the planet itself.
The other aim is to weaken people and
extinguish all hope, because people who have lost hope can be easily controlled.
The only thing that you can do at present is
trust that Higher Intelligence knows where you are and who you are.
Making decisions in a world of turmoil
Make no assumptions about the nature of the
turmoil you are experiencing. Spiritually, make no decisions about what to
believe and who to believe, as there is a lot of deception going on at this
moment in time.
I assure you that the Higher Intelligence that
created you will make correct action VERY CLEAR to you--in a way that you cannot
possibly misjudge.
The answers and the directions will be right
in front of your nose and you will not be able to ignore them. You will be
compelled and driven to take right action, and that is the ONLY TIME to act.
These are times when trust in the Higher
Intelligence that created you is the absolute and only way to overcome any
current and future turmoil.
You have plenty of evidence around you that
the Higher Intelligence that created you is benevolent towards all life on
You do not need a high IQ to realize that
Mother Earth was perfectly engineered by a Higher Intelligence to preserve and
sustain life.
It has a shield that protects you from harmful rays, it sustains your life with oxygen, food and water--all essential components of life.
It is illogical and nonsensical to believe
that this Higher Intelligence has been overcome and has lost its grip on
creation to the dark energies of greed for power and money.
Such dark energies (people) are necessary for
the purpose of evolution right now. When their purpose is fulfilled they will
cease to exist.
At that time the human race will enter a new
stage of evolution which will make the current “Dark Ages” appear to be a
distant nightmare.
I agree you have a good heart and I can sense
that. But I can also sense that you have an over-reactive imagination :-)
Bring your imagination into line and govern it--do not let it govern you :-)
Practice the Call For World Peace. You will
find it at
How to deal with turmoil and world chaos
Also use the Miracle Prayer Meditation at
Be aware of the fact that you are a sensitive
(psychic), and therefore you are able to pick up on the thoughts and energies of
others around you.
So make sure you do not appropriate these energies as your own.
So make sure you do not appropriate these energies as your own.
Get involved in a
physical exercise program or sport that you enjoy and practice it in moderation.
MOST IMPORTANT: Do not drink alcohol or use mind-bending drugs. This is a must.
If you do all these things you will find release and more understanding.
But I assure you, there cannot be full peace
in any of us for as long as there is suffering, injustice, bloodshed, cruelty
and disrespect toward Mother Nature, the animals and other people.
We are all connected by the matrix of life and
what one feels the rest of us must also feel.
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